Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Am I Ready? Are We Ready?

Several blocks removed from US 1 in South Miami last night, I didn't hear it--

The comments I posted on Ana Veciana-Suarez' blog earlier this afternoon:

Little did I know when I was celebrating a friend's birthday last night, drinking more than my usual wont, what else was going on. The last time El Barbabudo chose to give us "a scare," I remember having been in a restaurant, and beginning to cry. The Cuban anthem began playing in my mind almost immediately. The Cuban in me can't wait for the jubilation; the (I hope, responsible) Cuban-American in me dreads the pandemonium. The feeling that's building up in me--that of the six year old who said goodbye to her record player and most of her dolls on a Saturday in late October almost forty-six years ago--is almost beyond emotion. Am I ready? Are we ready?

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